What makes a true Street Racer?

by admin

Thursday, April 25th, 2002 at 12:00 am

by: kokabeel
What makes a true Street Racer?

A true street racer is the kinda person who if beaten doesn’t act pissy ,but rahter goes home, looks over what in the race he did wrong , and decides what he can do to soup up his car more so the next time he won’t be beat.Street racers love the rush of a race . …you see your match coming up fast behind you , he slows down and gets next to you,he reves up his engine and you know it’s on now.Stop light truns red and you and the guy are lined up ,( this is the only good real street racing you can do )this isn’t top speed this is pure acceleration. pure horse power…Light turns green, you slam it into 1st gear , your car burns out and smokes the tires.. you slam it into second…..then third .. you look back and see the head lights of the other racer and realize you’ve won .. you do the light show shit then slow down …. but what’s going on in the mind of a racer when those 20 seconds go by …..all you can really think about is wining.. and your heart beats so fast and your blood rushes.. its a drug….speed is a drug …..you can feel the awesome power of a car in those 20 seconds……After one race , your hooked..no matter if you win or lose…your hooked…if you lose you just go out and fix your car up so you wont lose again..but if you have the power and you win for the first time it’s such a rush….it’s addictive …like any man made drug .. you can’t stop it …. you always will want more ….I am a true street racer..it has been in my blood from the tme of my first race and will be in my blood till the day I die…but i’m not like the rest of the street racers … i’m a girl …..which if u can find another girl like me…..keep her……..we are hard to find

new logo

by admin

Thursday, April 25th, 2002 at 12:00 am

nothing much going on today added some link and fixed some file downloads thanx to burden for the new logo for our merchandise
http://www.cafepress.com/illmob help support us


by admin

Thursday, April 25th, 2002 at 12:00 am

by: detro

bah since im to lazy to run this site myself now i gave illwill the layout and now its “illmob”. uhm yea i might be doing stuff and i might not so anyway im going back to work now bye

Hello World.

by admin

Wednesday, April 24th, 2002 at 5:21 am

illmob.org is finally open for bidness 🙂

burden has hit the scene

by admin

Wednesday, April 24th, 2002 at 12:00 am

by: burden
look around you. to the north. and to the east. and to the south. and to the west. burden has hit the scene again. and back with a vengeance. anger and pacifism at it’s best, or worst. so yeah. i seem to have been volunteered to become a new poster here. this should be fun. well… i’m gonna go have myself a b-rip. CHEERS!


by admin

Wednesday, April 24th, 2002 at 12:00 am

by: xeo
Wrote a keylogger DLL in C which exports 2 functions. “StartHook” with syntax:
void StartHook(char* logpath);
logpath is the path for the logfile.
void StopHook();
stops logging
Sourcecode and compiled DLL will be under releases soon


by admin

Wednesday, April 24th, 2002 at 12:00 am

looking for asm and c++ programmers to add their apps to my release page

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