by admin
Monday, January 27th, 2003 at 12:00 am
problems problems problems. my fucking latops hard drive crashed along with most of my files >:( so im trying to recover as much as possible…heres a gift while you wait its eeyes new scanner to find exploitable SQL servers… ::here::its up to you to figure out how to do so once you find one 😀 try taking a look on how the new sapphire worm does it thats floating around the internet… anyhow hope to get shit back to normal with everything .. i got court in the morning for my computer crimes case. wish me luck
by admin
Tuesday, January 21st, 2003 at 12:00 am
well i did have a link to areyoufearless’s site to a banner saying free gobo but they decided to play a little prank with the link .. but anyway if ya havent heard gobo is in jail for 2 years for virus coding 🙁 good luck gobo hope to see you when you get out.. hoping someone has yer info to send some mail or maybe a nail file or somethin lol …
by admin
Friday, January 17th, 2003 at 12:00 am
get paypal and get some kick ass porn/webcam victims for only $2.50
by admin
Monday, January 13th, 2003 at 12:00 am
been slacking on programming mainly because i got a new pimp wireless network router and ive been setting up my winxp box up for ftp service and i set up a mandrake box running apache to host a few small sites so i can learn linux and webhosting etc… right now im at a friends housewith my laptop and wireless nic card enjoying someone else cableservice that has a default router configuration allowing me to get online from their network 😀 maybe i gotta learn more about wardriving for wireless networks , this seems fun