by admin

Wednesday, October 29th, 2003 at 8:38 am

thats right bitches illmob is the first to release a icq pager with the new ICQ string… if you still dumb enough to use ICQ for notification because its in realtime then get that shit ::HERE::
heres a screenshot of the page you receive

sup atomix

by admin

Saturday, October 25th, 2003 at 1:55 am

wanna welcome atomix from rootforce to the team .. he’ll be posting news and some various shit becuase im to lazy to do it myself.. also any new releases i make and am too lazy to make the html updates for are gonna go into the new folder called 0day CLICK HERE ..also this is where with deposit all the newest worthwhile exploits

Im a poster now ;P

by admin

Saturday, October 25th, 2003 at 1:46 am

Yup, im the chosen one. I get to post shit now on illmob. What should i post about hm… well erm.. ok so i dont know what im going to post right now cept what im planning on watching at 9 pm o.O… yea the show hosted by bryant gumbel, the new roswell: kecksburg exposed on sci-fi :). And on halloween criss angel: supernatural and the new scare tactics. gonna be friggen hawt. If i got shit to post ill post it, otherwise ill be sittin on my site. later.


by admin

Monday, October 20th, 2003 at 6:44 am

by morning_wood
oh yea, is back up too.

av / fw killer

by admin

Saturday, October 18th, 2003 at 4:39 pm

yes my friends and foes killer 3.0 is finally out after a year of putting it off 😛 i havent uploaded here yet cuz im still trying to get shit str8 …if you are a member of forums you can get it :::HERE:::

basically it kills over 480 av/fw exe names and stops their services including xp firewall… the process takes about 1-6 seconds to kill all… im trying to optimize this more i just havent had time to do shit.


by admin

Friday, October 17th, 2003 at 3:31 pm

yea so anyhow i lost my hosting with silencegold cuz he had to sell his box cuz of his crack habit or something … so bare with me til i get someshit uploaded…im thinking i wanna change the format of illmob to more security tools and less trojan shit…


by admin

Friday, October 17th, 2003 at 3:22 pm

Guess who back,back again,illmob’s back,tell a friend. and your mom.

IP: Loading... - Host: Loading...
IP Geolocation: unknown.

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