fuck cisco?

by admin

Tuesday, March 30th, 2004 at 7:14 pm

posted by morning_wood o
cisco multiple exploit ::info::
get the compiled ( by moi ) version ::here::

pingywon repost “fuck yourself”

by admin

Monday, March 29th, 2004 at 11:08 pm

sorry pingy your post fudged in the news…
heres the repost…

To literally have sex with myself.

Full Story

Malicious computer worm detected…news to me

by admin

Sunday, March 28th, 2004 at 11:57 pm

posted by pingywon
A new malicious computer program has been detected that can create networks of remotely controlled computers to take part in online attacks, send junk e-mail messages and engage in other shady activities common to the bad neighborhoods of cyberspace.

The program, known as phatbot or polybot, uses technology like that developed for file sharing networks such as Gnutella and Kazaa to control the machines. (“Bot” is shorthand for “software robot,” a term generally applied to automated software.)

Once the program has made its way onto a victim’s computer, it spreads across networks and searches for passwords that are stored on hard drives and are passing across local networks. It also disables antivirus programs and systems for upgrading software security.

Phatbot, which is technically known as a computer worm, was considered novel enough that the Department of Homeland Security asked a group of computer analysts last week to examine and monitor it, Donald Tighe, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, said. The department will announce reports today by Internet security task forces as part of the administration’s National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, which was developed to link the resources of government, business and academia to address computer security issues.

Craig Schmugar, virus research manager with Network Associates, a computer security company, said his company currently rated phatbot as a “low risk” because it had not spread as widely as recent worms, like MyDoom, Netsky and Bagle. But he added that “the potential for this one is huge” because it could spread in many ways and perform many surreptitious functions on the machines.

But Joe Stewart, senior security researcher at the LURHQ Corporation, a company that manages security services for businesses, expressed some surprise over the attention that the program has received. “It’s got extra features that make it a little bit more formidable, but it’s certainly not a quantum leap in bot technology,” said Mr. Stewart, who published a detailed analysis of the new program on his company’s Web site, www.lurhq.com.

Phatbot is a variant of an earlier program known as agobot or gaobot. It takes advantage of security flaws in the Microsoft Corporation’s Windows operating systems that have been exploited by recent Internet viruses like MyDoom.

Such malicious programs open back doors on computers whose owners do not keep up with the patches available from Microsoft at www.windowsupdate.com, and who do not regularly update their antivirus software.

Computer owners who have kept their systems up to date and who are not already infected by a virus like MyDoom, Mr. Stewart said, are “probably not going to see any effect of this at all.”

Previous bot programs have commandeered large networks of machines and used them to anonymously send spam, advertise pornographic Web sites and launch online attacks that block access to Web sites.

Phatbot is one of a more recent wave that uses technology developed for file sharing networks; earlier programs used a technology for instant online messages called Internet Relay Chat to accomplish the same ends.

Mr. Stewart said that research showed the program would create networks comprising as many as 50 computers, far smaller than the networks usually assembled to launch intense attacks on particular Web sites. He said that it was likely that the purpose of these networks, therefore, was to send spam without being detected and without having to pay an Internet service provider.

Any computer that is infected with the new program, he said, is probably also burdened with other malicious software. In that case, he added, “you’ve got a lot more to worry about than this.”


fuck blackice

by admin

Sunday, March 28th, 2004 at 12:30 pm


compiled autorooter here


by admin

Friday, March 26th, 2004 at 10:29 pm

friday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
things that you make when you’re bored
:::CLICK ME:::

Give Up?

by admin

Thursday, March 25th, 2004 at 8:39 pm

lately ive been wondering what i should do with illmob.org my dns is up in a few weeks and im wondering if i should sign up for another year, im getting lazy lately and new shit is few and far between… i mean you see all these security related sites that are around for a little while then disappear, do they get bored? move on with other things? finally find out was real pussy is?… what do you guys think? give me some comments and show some love for illmob and give us a reason to stick around


by admin

Thursday, March 25th, 2004 at 12:12 pm

due to the server being down last week , the server admins removed the folder containing some of the files for downloading .. mostly the releases section got fucked.. if you want an app made by the krew some are in the -= 0 Day =- folder.. ill have to fix them tonight if i get some time

by admin

Monday, March 22nd, 2004 at 11:55 pm

nothing much going on … the witty worm is making its rounds terrorizing realsecure server and black-ice users any if i had enough motivation i could have coded something to get into the servers and drop a reverse shell of some sorts… anyhoo hopefully this week sometime ill make something new.. anyhow click on the read more link to read about it.. if that doesnt interest you then how about a pic of janet jacksons pussy

nmap pr0n

by admin

Sunday, March 21st, 2004 at 12:55 pm

posted by morning_wood
the nice guys at insecure.org have finally accepted the fact that hackers and pr0n just go together! (thanks Fyodor! )
click “full story” for links.
more links below

http://www.insecure.org/nmap/images/haxxxor/video/HaXXXor-vol1-Nmap-Modem.mp 4
http://www.insecure.org/nmap/images/haxxxor/video/HaXXXor-vol1-Nmap-SmallPro gressive.mp4 http://www.insecure.org/nmap/images/haxxxor/video/HaXXXor-vol1-Nmap-Cable.mp 4
http://www.insecure.org/nmap/images/haxxxor/video/HaXXXor-vol1-Nmap-LargePro gressive.mp4



by admin

Sunday, March 21st, 2004 at 12:10 am

posted by morning_wood
or… ARP spoofin teh wireless
get it ::HERE::
cant rember who wrote it

IP: Loading... - Host: Loading...
IP Geolocation: unknown.

We love our country, but fear our government.