by admin
Sunday, August 29th, 2004 at 6:08 pm
anyone interested in being a BitTorrent tracker or seed for Whoppix 2.0 please send me an email
basically what is it , the muts from modded knoppix to his own version that includes exploits,metasploit framework,windows sploits,wifi gear, etc for penatration testing of networks all on a simple bootable live-cd.. so that means you wont have to fuck with installing linux on your laptop/desktop it all runs from the cd and ram.. i redid the desktop image for it you can check it out ::HERE:: and morning_wood gave it the cute name
heres a newer screenshot
by admin
Sunday, August 22nd, 2004 at 2:18 am
Morphine is very unique application for PE files encryption. Unlike
other PE ecnryptors and compressors Morphine includes own PE loader which
enables it to put whole source image to the .text section of new PE file. This
one is very powerful because you can compress source file with your favourite
compressor like UPX and then encrypt its output with Morphine. Another powerful
thing here is polymorphic engine which always creates absolutely different
decryptor for the new PE file. This mean if your favourite trojan horse is
detected by an antivirus you can encrypt it with Morphine. You will not get
the virus alert again.
Download it ::Here::
by admin
Thursday, August 19th, 2004 at 8:01 pm
finally the rainbow crack md5 loweralpha-numeric#1-8 tables are complete.. now comes the hard part.. we’re still working on a php front-end for users to crack from the web.. so that will take a while… also im going to be selling the complete tables which is 80 tables x 625MB which is 48 gigs of tables .. im going to have 2 options either selling on a 60 gig hard drive for $150 or 11 dvds for $75.
the LM Tables are Configuration #3 on the rainbow crack site which is
alpha-numeric-symbol14 = 30 tables …. 610meg x 30=17.8 gig
so 6 dvds for $50 or one 20 gig hard drive for $75
optionally you can buy both the LM & MD5 tables on DVD for $100
or on a hard drive for $175
hat will save you $25 either way and a shitload of time
i already have a few people already interested in buying.. so get your order in quick so you wont have to wait… payments will be made over paypal , please email me @ [email protected] for ordering information. shipping is avaiable to practically anywhere in the world
by admin
Thursday, August 19th, 2004 at 7:50 pm
Program to decrypt the passwords in the original.ini file wsftp stores
usually found:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Ipswitch\WS_FTP\Sites