this time it’s Fred Durst , lead singer for the band Limp Bizkit
:::mirrored site:::
:::Drudge Report:::
he did it all for the nookie
Yea so anyhow back to what this website is for, Computer Security, Not Celeb cell numbers
Click Image for Download
RootkitRevealer is an advanced root kit detection utility. It runs on Windows NT
4 and higher and its output lists Registry and file system API discrepancies that
may indicate the presence of a user-mode or kernel-mode rootkit. RootkitRevealer successfully detects all persistent rootkits published at www.rootkit.com, including AFX, Vanquish and HackerDefender (note: RootkitRevealer is not intended to detect memory-based rootkits like Fu that don’t survive reboots).
as many of you new visitors come here hoping to get Lindsay Lohans # or want to call Eminem to say you want to be his babies mama. may have already noticed the link for the numbers is down because the legalities surrounding this whole thing. By now most, or all of the number either have full mailboxes,changed numbers, or are out of service, so youd be wasting you time anyhow. sorry you couldnt enjoy the fun sooner. i hope this makes you realize the in the electronic age you are not safe from prying eyes. Oh also Hi Paris!
Once again illmob.org is accused as being the “source”
well its already leaked all over the internet so here ya go
posted by pingywon
We received this letter via email – another illmob.org success story
..::See full story::..
heres a illmob AIM cert so you can talk to people with encrypted msgs on AIM and get a kewl little lock next your name on someones buddylist
Download it ::HERE::
1. open AIM press F3
2. scroll down to Security
3. Click Advanced button
4. Click Import Button
5. Choose the illmob_aim_cert.p12
6. when it asks for the passwords leave them both blank
7. for the cert pass enter illmob
all done