DigitalOcean using same common password for 1-Clicks running MySQL

by admin

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017 at 3:31 am

Have fun scanning before DigitialOcean releases their public notice:
1-Click users potentially remotely exploitable unless they have changed the debian-sys-maint password {MySQL, PHPMyAdmin,LAMP, LEMP, WordPress, OwnCloud}
In the MySQL Debian/Ubuntu packaging, there is an additional MySQL user being created: debian-sys-maint.
Any Droplet created from this common image shares the same password for the MySQL debian-sys-maint user.
Affected Versions:
Ubuntu 14.04
Ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 17.10
Debian 7
Debian 8
Not Affected:
Debian 9

IP: - Host:
IP Geolocation: Columbus, Ohio, US.

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