
by admin

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013 at 11:36 pm

While the concept on DMA through firewire isn’t new (around 2006-ish with
Winlockpwn – no longer developed.) A new project has picked up where winlockpwn left off. The newer version called Inception is able to unlock winxp,vista,7,8,osx,ubuntu,mint. It works over FireWire, Thunderbolt, ExpressCard and PCMCIA . If the machine doesnt have it you can slap one in and the driver should automatically install even though its locked. Great for bypassing machines that have encryption like bitlocker, trucrypt, etc… that are left locked. Newer version of OSX have patched this though as of Oct. 2011. I tested on Backtrack5 r3 against winxp,win7 x32, and OSX 10.7.3 and it worked like a charm.
Check it out ::HERE::

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